Inside Out | Still features Riley's emotions looking nervously at Anxiety's presence.

‘Inside Out 2’ Review: Riley Has Grown Up, but the Formula Hasn’t Yet


Pixar’s output as of late has perhaps been more uneven than their peak period – for the same streak of brilliance that carried them from Monsters, Inc. to Toy Story 3 (minus the first Cars film) would come to a sudden halt with Cars 2. But said film also marked a distinct change in the direction that Pixar was headed, in favour of franchises and sequels, straying away from the heart and soul that made them so beloved over the years. With 2015’s Inside Out, it seemed things would look up for them once more, with the film showing that they still maintained their highs despite circumstances and also experimenting with their usual formula to try out something new. It wasn’t just their best since the streak of success had ended, it’s one of their best, period.

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