2016: The Standouts

It’s inevitable that after a passing year one must go about with talking upon what they’ve witnessed while time had gone on and with 2016 gone, a great year of cinema has indeed passed upon us and we’re only hoping for even more with a new one. In this blog entry, what I wish to cover are some of the best and worst films that I caught all throughout 2016 as of February 25, 2017. Continue reading →

The Little Mermaid – Review


It was at the point of The Little Mermaid‘s release when Disney had entered a new era for their work, as it kickstarted their Renaissance period. When I was much younger I always remembered The Little Mermaid to be amongst the first few films that I have watched that have formed a budding love of film and after years of having not seen it since, to at least see it still stands strong only makes me smile. I always referred to Ariel as one of my own favourite Disney characters alongside Belle and Mulan (both of whom would be seen under their “Disney Princesses” label) and the sentiment still rings true to this day. It may not be my very favourite of Disney’s animated films but it still ranks amongst the best of the best for what it’s worth.

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The Princess and the Frog – Review


Disney’s The Princess and the Frog is amongst their last hand-drawn animated features and what’s all the more saddening about such is how amongst their most recent fare it feels so rarely heard about even with what recognition it received upon release. But knowing what the studio was best at during their Renaissance era when it came to what they have turned well-known tales into for the screen, it was only all the more of a pleasure to see what Ron Clements and John Musker of The Little Mermaid fame have brought to the screen for not only is it their most underrated work but it also happens to be my favourite film of theirs since the end of the Renaissance era.

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Moana – Review


One of my own closest friends as a result of social media was a girl of Polynesian descent. She told me at one point that she was more excited for Moana than she was any other Disney film because she loved seeing the fact that her culture would have been put into the spotlight for a wider audience to witness. When I watched Moana, I was always thinking of her – a number of memories flashed back right in front of my own face, and soon I was thinking about how she would have felt to have seen Moana. My only guess is a bright smile is set to come from her, for Moana got one out of myself.

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