Jaime’s Film Diary: February 28, 2020

In order to continue keeping this site as active as possible while I have not been able to write as many full-length film reviews as I had planned initially, I figured that another solution would have come by in placing my Letterboxd entries starting from the week before here as a placeholder for eventual full-length reviews that are set to come by, if I were able to find the time to write another one. But as is, these are quick thoughts that I figure would be nice to keep afloat so that the site will remain active on a regular basis.

First-time viewings are noted as such. You can follow me on Letterboxd right here.

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It’s a Wonderful Life – Review


Life is a valuable thing. There are those moments where it’s set to disappoint, yet there’s still hope to be had, It’s a Wonderful Life reminds us why we should keep hope. It’s a cliché Christmas tradition to watch this every year, but it’s easy to see why. There are those moments where we feel insignificant (and they come back to me then and there), but a reminder is sometimes necessary that in fact, we might have a bigger impact than we’d imagine. Frank Capra’s film bombed during its first run, but its popularity just grew so suddenly. The wonders still capture me upon every viewing, and despite my usual pessimism there’s always something good turning back to the joy that is It’s a Wonderful Life. It reminds a person like myself that there is always something good to look out for, even when we are shrouded with bad.

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The Searchers – Review


A lot seems to have changed amidst the perspectives from watching The Searchers at different points of my life. My first viewing from childhood left a mark on my life that has never faded away. Looking at The Searchers amidst a more critical standpoint only further solidifies how highly I think of it. At this point, John Ford has mastered story structure in such a manner that everything is so seamless from start to finish, it could not be any better a film than it already stands out to be. Often hailed as the greatest American western, the reasons behind such a lofty reputation flash so clearly on the screen. In all the beauty which it displays, it is also a film so scathing with its views on the intolerance flooding society that still bites perfectly well today.
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